Schema SEO Statistics


  • Users click on rich snippet results 58% of the time
  • Product image searches account for 22.6% of all organic traffic
  • Schema markup leads to a 36.6% in SEO visibility improvement

SEO Schema Stats for 2024-2023

  • Product image searches account for 22.6% of all searches, highlighting the significant traffic potential if utilized effectively.(Source)
  • For large-scale deployments, error and warning reports provide crucial insights into the overall health of markup implementation.
  • Notable fluctuations were observed in 2023-2024, with a 65% drop in clicks on FAQ-rich results in April, followed by recoveries in May and late October.(Source)
  • Increasing usage of Structured Data on mobile devices from 37% in 2022 to 41% in 2024, indicating an upward trend and the need to invest in SEO Structured Data strategies.(Source)
  • Only 30% of online pages use for markup, presenting an opportunity to stand out in search results.
  • Schema markup leads to SEO improvements with featured snippets existing in 36.6% of search keywords, including “0-ranking” snippets, despite its limited use across registered domains (as low as 0.3%).(Source)
  • Rich vs. Non-Rich Results Click-Through Rates: Users click on rich results 58% of the time compared to 41% for non-rich results, highlighting the effectiveness of structured data.
  • Case Studies on Schema Impact:
    • Examples include Rakuten increasing time on site by 1.5x with Recipe schema, Eventbrite boosting traffic by 100% with Event schema, and StyleCraze improving site CTR by 1.2x with How-to structured data.
    • Rotten Tomatoes observed a 25% higher CTR with structured data, Food Network saw a 35% increase in visits, Rakuten noted 1.5x more time spent on pages with structured data, and Nestlé recorded an 82% higher CTR for rich result pages.

2024 Key Schema & SEO Statistics and Facts Explained (Data Trends Too!)

Let’s dive deeper into each of these bullet points to understand the role and benefits of Schema markup in SEO, backed by cited statistics:

  1. Product Image Search Relevance: According to recent data, product image searches constitute 22.6% of all search queries. This statistic underlines the importance of image optimization and the inclusion of structured data in images. By leveraging Schema markup for images, businesses can enhance their visibility in image searches, tapping into a significant portion of web traffic they might otherwise miss.
  2. Understanding Schema Markup: Schema markup, a form of structured data, plays a pivotal role in search engine optimization (SEO) by helping search engines like Bing and Google understand the content of a webpage. This understanding can lead to better indexing and more relevant search results, improving the website’s visibility.
  3. Markup Health Monitoring: For websites that implement Schema markup on a large scale, it’s crucial to monitor the health of the markup. Error and warning reports can provide an overview of the implementation’s effectiveness, allowing web admins to make necessary adjustments and maintain optimal performance.
  4. FAQ-Rich Result Volatility: In April and August 2022, many sites witnessed a significant drop in clicks on their FAQ-rich results, followed by a recovery in subsequent months. This volatility highlights the dynamic nature of search engine algorithms and the need for continuous optimization and monitoring of structured data implementations.
  5. SEO Structured Data Trend: The use of Structured Data, specifically JSON-LD on the home page, increased from 37% in 2022 to 43% in 2024 on mobile devices. This trend suggests that more websites recognize the value of structured data in enhancing their SEO strategy. It’s a signal for businesses to adopt this approach to stay competitive.
  6. Schema Markup as a Competitive Edge: Despite its proven benefits, only 30% of online pages utilize to markup their pages. This presents a significant and valuable opportunity for online businesses to set themselves apart as a topical authority from their digital competitors in search results by implementing structured data.
  7. Impact of Schema Markup on SEO: Research by Searchmetrics revealed that 36.6% of search keywords trigger at least one featured snippet derived from schema markup. These snippets often occupy the coveted and competitive “0-ranking” position at the top of search results. Despite its effectiveness, schema markup still needs to be utilized, with estimates of its usage on registered domains as low as 0.3%.
  8. Case Studies on Schema Impact: Various case studies have demonstrated the impact of structured data. For instance, Rakuten increased time on site by 1.5 times after implementing Recipe schema. Eventbrite doubled its traffic with Event schema, and StyleCraze improved its site’s click-through rate (CTR) by 1.2 times by leveraging How-to structured data.
    google click-through rate by position

    Google Click Through Rate Stats By Position

  9. Rich vs. Non-Rich Results Click-Through Rates: Data shows users are more inclined to click on rich results (58%) than non-rich results (41%). This indicates that rich results, often enhanced by structured data, are more engaging and attractive to users, leading to higher click-through rates.
  10. Success Stories with Structured Data: Notable examples of the benefits of structured data include Rotten Tomatoes, which saw a 25% higher click-through rate on pages with structured data; Food Network, which experienced a 35% increase in visits; Rakuten, which reported users spending 1.5 times more time on pages with structured data; and Nestlé, which observed an 82% higher click-through rate for pages appearing as rich results in search.


These Schema statistics and case studies highlight the significant advantages of using a structured data testing tool and incorporating Schema markup into an effective and natural organic SEO strategy. Schema markup improves web page visibility and click-through rates by providing more detailed and organized information to search engines. It enhances user experience, leading to higher engagement and conversions.

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