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Bing Ads Statistics

Bing Ads Statistics 2024-2023

  • Microsoft’s Bing Ads earned $8,690,000 In revenue from paid search advertisers Q4 2022
  • Microsoft Bing gets 1.038 billion unique monthly visits
  • 13.48% of Bing users are on Desktop PCs
  • 900 million people conduct daily searches on Bing
  • The average age of Bing users is 45 years old
  • Bing processes 12 billion queries each month
  • The average Bing user has a yearly income above $100K
  • 1.2 billion global visitors visited Bing in May 2022
  • 54% of Bing searches is online product search
  • Bing’s search market share improved 7.61% in Q1 2022
  • 69.4% of Bing searches are related to well-known companies
  • is accessible in 105 languages and 238 countries
  • Bing’s average click-through rate is 2.83% compared Google’s CTR of 1.91%
  • Paid Bing Ads campaigns result in a 50% site traffic improvements


Microsoft Bing Ads Stats 2024-2023

Bing Ads statistics 2022 can provide valuable insights into the performance of the Bing Ads platform for businesses and advertisers in the upcoming year. Bing Ads is a paid advertising platform that allows businesses to target potential customers with ads that appear in search results on the Bing search engine and other Microsoft properties such as MSN, Outlook, and Edge.

By studying the trends in Bing Ads statistics, businesses can better understand their campaigns’ effectiveness, their ads’ overall performance, and the platform’s potential for their business. This article will discuss some of the key Bing Ads statistics for 2022.

Bing Advertising Facts 2022-2023

1. Microsoft’s Bing Ads earned $8,690,000 In revenue from paid search advertisers Q4 2022

With a 3.14% market share, Bing is the second-largest search engine worldwide. More than 1 billion unique visitors come to it each month, drawing half a million advertisers. Its market share among console users in the US is 38.46%. Additionally, its global market share of desktop search has grown by 1.15%.

By 2021, Microsoft had earned $8.53 billion from Bing search advertising. In addition, Bing is now available in 105 different languages and receives 85% of its traffic directly. Google is the most commonly searched term on Bing, whereas Facebook is the most frequently searched in the US. 8% of users went to Google before Bing.

2.  Microsoft Bing gets 1.038 billion unique monthly visits

With 699 million unique PC users globally and 1.038 billion unique monthly visits by march 2021, Bing was the world’s second most widely used search engine. Regarding overall website Google rankings, it is ranked #32 globally and #24 in the US.

Its market share in the US is 2.31%, with desktops accounting for 13.48%, tablets for 5.63%, and mobiles for 2.83%. Additionally, 99.8% of Bing searches are natural searches, with Bing ranking first among them at 49.99%. In comparison to Google, there are 82.6 million Bing searches every day, and 34 Bing searches are conducted for each Google search.

3.  3.48% of Bing users are on Desktop PCs

Every day, almost 900 million people conduct searches on Bing. Bing users often spend 35% more than Google users, according to its market share of 3.08%. The typical age of Bing users is 45, with most older than 35. 1.2 billion people visited Bing in May 2022. Bing’s average advertising click-through rate is 2.83%, and its cost per click can be as much as 60% less than Google’s.

4.  The average age of Bing users is 45 years old

Bing generated $8 billion in ad revenue in 2020. Less than 30% of the search engine’s users who made over a billion visits in January 2021 were under 35. Around the world, Bing processes 12 billion queries each month, holds 2.31% of the market for search engines and is responsible for more than 30% of desktop searches in the US. It ranks as the 24th most visited website in the US.

5. Statista – Bing processes 12 billion queries each month

As of March 2018, most of Bing’s audience in the United States was made up of people who were 45 to 54 years old and had yearly incomes above $100,000. Bing accounted for 25.47 percent of all single-word search inquiries as of August 2017, making it the second-most popular search engine globally.

It had the second-highest desktop market share among the main search engines in July 2019. Bing had a 23 percent mobile share of visitors from organic search engines in the United States during the second quarter of 2019.

Nearly 1.2 billion distinct visitors worldwide visited in May 2022, down from 1.1 billion visitors in February 2022. Online search engine Bing held a share of under 9% of the global search market as of July 2022, while market leader Google held a share of about 83.3%.

More Bing Stats

6. Bing processes 12 billion queries each month

Microsoft’s Bing search engine has an estimated monthly PC search volume of 14.7 billion, with 653 million unique PC users and an 18.3% PC market share. Additionally, 54% of users use search engines for online product search, and 37% use search engines for brand discovery. Most Bing users (73%) are under the age of 45.

7.  The average Bing user has a yearly income above $100K

According to estimates, Bing has a market share of 3.08%, making it the second-largest search engine. Bing’s market share increased to 7.61% in the first quarter of 2022. Bing had $2.9 billion in ad income for the third quarter of 2022, with approximately 900 million daily searches.

Over 30% of Bing users have a family income of more than $100,000 per year, and their average age is 38. The median age is 45. The average cost per click for Bing Shopping campaigns is $0.33, compared to $0.48 for Google, while the average income per click is $4.43.

Bing User Statistics and Stats

8.  1.2 billion global visitors visited Bing in May 2022-2021

In October 2019, Bing received 963.5 million distinct visitors. Bing is responsible for 4% of organic search visits in the US. 69% of Bing searches are related to well-known companies and websites. 85% of Bing users are in the United States, which makes up the majority of users. 70% of Bing users are 35 years of age or older. 38% of Bing users have family incomes of $100,000 or more. Additionally, Bing supports 40 languages and is installed on more than 1.5 billion devices.

9. is accessible in 105 languages and 238 countries

With a 2.47% market share of the global search engine market, it has risen by 1.23% since 2019. Bing is the world’s second-largest search engine. Bing has a 38.46% market share among US console users and is accessible in 105 languages and 238 countries. Bing has a market share of 6.15% for desktop search engines, up 26.8% from 2019. Bing has more than 1 billion visits monthly, and Microsoft made $8.53 billion in search advertising revenue in the fiscal year 2021.

10.  Bing’s average click-through rate is 2.83% compared Google’s 1.91%

With a 5% market share, Bing is the second-largest search engine in the world according to many Bing stats. With an average click-through rate of 2.83% compared to 1.91% for Google, it also performs well. Additionally, Bing’s conversion rate is lower than Google’s, with an average of 2.94% as opposed to 3.75%.

11.  Paid Bing Ads campaigns result in a 50% site traffic improvements

Bing Ads has had tremendous growth in recent years, while paid search clicks on Yahoo have increased, and paid search hits on Google have slightly decreased. Using Bing Ads is predicted to result in a traffic gain of at least 50%. Bing now occupies about 21% of the market for search engines.

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