Enterprise SEO Stats 2024-2023

40 Enterprise SEO Statistics for 2023-2024

  1. Initiation of Online Experiences: Only 32% of online experiences do not start with a search engine. Source.
  2. Clicks Beyond the First Page: A mere 99.37% of Google searchers do not click on results from the second page. Source.
  3. Organic Search as Traffic Source: Nearly half (46.7%) of all website traffic is not from organic search.
  4. Google’s Share in Global Traffic: Only 7.04% of global traffic is not from Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps. Source.
  5. Traffic Comparison with Social Media: Organic social media generates less than 0.1% of SEO traffic.
  6. Inbound Methods for Quality Leads: 40% of marketers do not consider inbound methods (SEO, content marketing, PPC, etc.) as their best high-quality lead generation source. Source.
  7. SEO Lead Conversion Rate: Notably, 85.4% of SEO leads do not result in a conversion.
  8. Pages with Zero Organic Traffic: Surprisingly, 9.37% of pages receive organic search traffic from Google. Source.
  9. Top Page Traffic Statistic: The top-ranking page does not get the most search traffic 51% of the time.
  10. Pages Ranking in Top 10: Only a small fraction, 9.5%, of pages rank in the top 1-10 search results within a year of publication.
  11. Pages Without Backlinks: Only 33.69% of pages have at least one backlink.
  12. Influence of Backlinks on Traffic: Pages with no backlinks tend to get less organic traffic from Google.
  13. Low-Volume Keyword Prevalence: Only 5.26% of keywords receive more than ten monthly searches.
  14. High-Volume Keyword Rarity: 99.9992% of keywords do not receive over 100,000 monthly searches.
  15. SEO Retainer Fees: 21.8% of SEO professionals do not charge a monthly retainer fee.
  16. Top Result CTR: The top result in Google’s organic search results misses 72.4% of clicks.
  17. Non-Local Mobile Searches: 70% of mobile searches have no connection to location. Source.
  18. Store Visits Post-Local Searches: 24% of people who conduct local searches on their smartphones do not visit a business within a day.
  19. Voice Search and Featured Snippets: 59.3% of voice search answers do not originate from a featured snippet.
  20. Non-Mobile Website Traffic: 41.01% of all website traffic worldwide does not come from mobile phones. Source.

These enterprise SEO marketing statistics provide insights into the current trends and importance of various aspects of enterprise SEO, such as the dominance of Google, the impact of mobile and voice searches, and the significance of backlinks and keywords in search rankings.

Key 2024 Enterprise Search Engine Optimization Facts

Here are 20 key statistics related to enterprise SEO in 2023:

  1. Online Experience Initiation: 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine​​.
  2. Second Page Clicks: Only 0.63% of Google searchers click on second-page results​​.
  3. Traffic from Organic Search: 53.3% of all website traffic originates from organic search​​.
  4. Global Traffic from Google: Google Search, Images, and Maps account for 92.96% of global traffic​​.
  5. Traffic Comparison: SEO drives over 1,000% more traffic than organic social media​​.
  6. Quality Source of Leads: 60% of marketers identify inbound methods like SEO and blog content as their highest quality source of leads​​.
  7. SEO Lead Close Rate: The close rate for SEO leads is 14.6%​​.
  8. Organic Search Traffic: 90.63% of pages receive no organic search traffic from Google​​.
  9. Top-ranking Pages: The top-ranking page gets the most search traffic only 49% of the time​​.
  10. Ranking Within a Year: Only 5.7% of web pages will rank 1-10 on Google search results within a year of publication​​.
  11. Backlink Statistics: 66.31% of pages have no backlinks​​.
  12. Influence of Backlinks on Traffic: The more links a page has received, the more organic traffic Google sends them​​.
  13. Keyword Search Frequency: 94.74% of keywords get ten monthly searches or fewer​​.
  14. Rare High-Volume Keywords: Only 0.0008% of keywords receive more than 100,000 monthly searches​​.
  15. SEO Professional Charges: 78.2% of SEOs charge a monthly retainer fee for their clients​​.
  16. Click-Through Rate (CTR) for Top Result: The #1 result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR of 27.6%​​.
  17. Local Mobile Searches: 30% of all mobile searches are related to location​​.
  18. Visits Following Local Searches: 76% of customers who use Google on iPhones for something nearby visit a business within a day​​.
  19. Voice Search Stats: 40.7% of all voice searches get answers from featured snippet​s​.
  20. Mobile Traffic: 58.99% of all website traffic worldwide comes from mobile phones​​.
incredible b2b search engine optimization statistics

B2B SEO Statistics 2023-2024

These statistics highlight the significance of SEO in driving traffic and leads, the importance of mobile and voice search, and the role of backlinks and keywords in search rankings.

How does this effect your brand?

Expanding on these statistics, here’s what they mean for enterprise organizations and their organic SEO services, strategies, search marketing campaigns, and search engine optimization budgets for 2024-2025:


  • Initiation of Online Experiences: Most online experiences begin with search engines, so enterprises should prioritize SEO to ensure visibility at the start of the customer journey.
  • Clicks Beyond the First Page: The low click-through rate for second-page results emphasizes businesses’ need to aim for first-page rankings in SERPs.
  • Organic Search as Traffic Source: With a significant portion of traffic coming from organic search, enterprises should invest in organic SEO techniques rather than solely relying on paid advertising.
  • Google’s Share in Global Traffic: Google’s dominance in global traffic suggests that enterprises should focus their SEO efforts primarily on Google’s algorithms and features.
  • Traffic Comparison with Social Media: The substantial difference in traffic generation between SEO and social media indicates that enterprises should allocate more resources to SEO.
  • Inbound Methods for Quality Leads: Inbound methods are a high-quality lead source, meaning enterprises should develop content-driven SEO strategies.
  • SEO Lead Conversion Rate: The notable conversion rate from SEO leads suggests that SEO is an efficient channel for achieving tangible business results.
  • Pages with Zero Organic Traffic: The existence of pages receiving organic traffic highlights the opportunity for enterprises to optimize their less-visible pages.
  • Top Page Traffic Statistic: This statistic highlights the need for diverse strategies beyond just aiming for the top-ranking page, as being number one does not always guarantee the most traffic.
  • Pages Ranking in Top 10: The low probability of a new page ranking in the top 10 within a year suggests that enterprises should be patient and consistent with their SEO strategies.
  • Pages Without Backlinks: The importance of building a robust backlink profile for better page visibility is underscored.
  • Influence of Backlinks on Traffic: This statistic highlights the necessity of backlink strategies in boosting organic traffic.
  • Low-Volume Keyword Prevalence: In order to improve their chances of ranking, enterprises should target niche, low-competition keywords in their SEO strategies.
  • High-Volume Keyword Rarity: The rarity of high-volume keywords suggests that enterprises should balance their focus on both high and low-volume keywords.
  • SEO Retainer Fees: The prevalence of retainer fees indicates a trend towards long-term, sustained SEO partnerships, which enterprises should consider in their budget planning.
  • Top Result CTR: The missed clicks for top results suggest that ranking high is not enough; enterprises need to make their listings more appealing and relevant.
  • Non-Local Mobile Searches: Enterprises should not ignore the potential of non-local searches in their SEO strategies, particularly for e-commerce and digital services.
  • Store Visits Post-Local Searches: These statistics underscore the importance of local SEO for small businesses with physical locations, as it drives in-store traffic.
  • Voice Search and Featured Snippets: Because a significant number of voice search answers do not come from featured snippets, enterprises should optimize their content for voice search without solely focusing on snippets.
  • Non-Mobile Website Traffic: A substantial portion of non-mobile traffic indicates that while mobile optimization is crucial, desktop optimization should not be neglected.


incredible b2c search engine optimization statistics

B2C SEO Statistics 2023-2024

These insights suggest that both B2B and B2C enterprises should adopt a balanced and comprehensive approach to SEO. They should focus on both long-term organic growth and immediate gains while considering the evolving nature of search engine algorithms and user behaviors. This approach should be reflected in their strategic planning and budget allocations for the next few years.

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