99 Organic SEO statistics for 2024 Trends

Voice Search Trends

  1. One billion voice searches are conducted monthly.
  2. 25% of people aged 16 to 24 use mobile voice search.
  3. 75% of U.S.U.S. families will own a smart speaker by 2025.
  4. Alexa is the most popular virtual assistant in the U.SU.S.
  5. Eight billion voice assistants are anticipated globally by 2023.
  6. Amazon holds a 66% share in the U.S.U.S. smart speaker market.
  7. 28% of people call a company after conducting a voice search.
  8. 51% use voice search to find restaurants.
  9. Google Home and Amazon Echo users prefer voice-over keyboard searches.
  10. Google Voice search result pages average 2,312 words.
  11. Voice search is popular among people aged 26 to 35.
  12. Ninety-one million smart speakers in the U.S.U.S. are estimated to reach 95 million in 2023.
  13. 48% of SEOs believe voice search will significantly impact SEO strategies.
Local SEO Statistics for 2023-2024

2023 Local SEO Statistics

Local SEO Statistics

  1. Google processes 97 billion local searches monthly.
  2. A third of all mobile searches are location-related.
  3. 28% of local intent searches result in a purchase.
  4. 72% of local searchers visit a store within 8 km.
  5. 76% of local smartphone searchers visit a store within a day.
  6. 78% want to shop locally after a local Google search.
  7. Yelp pages appear in the top 5 results for 92% of city and business category searches.
  8. 56% of local businesses haven’t claimed their Google My Business listing.
  9. Near Me” searches have surged by over 130% since 2020.
  10. Over 50% of “Near Me” searches lead to offline conversions.
  11. 45% of customers buy online and pick up in-store.
  12. Local search intent is present in 46% of Google queries.
  13. 76% of people who search for a local business on mobile visit a related business within 24 hours.
  14. 79% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  15. 86% of people look up the location of a business on Google Maps.

Mobile SEO Data

  1. Mobile devices account for about 55% of global web traffic.
  2. 80% of top-ranked websites are mobile-optimized.
  3. 59% of global internet traffic comes from mobile devices.
  4. 56% of U.S.U.S. online consumers search for local businesses on mobile.
  5. Over 50% of smartphone users discover new companies or products via mobile search.
  6. 56% of in-store shoppers use smartphones for on-the-spot research.
  7. 51% of internet users access the web exclusively via smartphones.
  8. 53% of mobile site visitors leave if loading takes longer than 3 seconds.
  9. By 2025, 72.6% of users will access the internet solely through mobile devices.
  10. Americans spend 5 to 6 hours on their phones daily, excluding work use.
  11. 30% of all mobile searches are location-related.

General SEO Facts

  1. 53% of website traffic results from organic searches.
  2. 33% of e-commerce visits are generated through organic searches.
  3. Google applies over 200 ranking factors.
  4. 94% of searches focus more on organic results than paid ones.
  5. 97% of the local customers try to get information about the business online.
  6. The first five organic results on the first page of search engines get 67.6% of clicks.
  7. Users search using at least four words 69% of the time.
  8. 93% of online service experiences start on a search engine.
  9. Organic searches account for 33% of e-commerce site visits.

SEO Performance and Strategy Trends

  1. 93% reported SEO positively impacted website performance in 2023.
  2. Organizations with high SEO maturity reported better performance.
  3. Increasing brand awareness through SEO was a top priority in 2023.
  4. 71% believe S.G.E. will disrupt SEO strategies.
  5. 83% believe A.I.A.I. will positively impact SEO in 2024.
  6. Most organizations use a fully integrated enterprise SEO platform.
  7. 22% of marketers believe relevant content is the best SEO tool.
  8. 51% of companies focus on updating older content for SEO.
  9. 36% of SEO experts consider headlines and title tags most important.
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Technical SEO Statistical Insights

  1. Google uses the H1 tag to rewrite title tags 51% of the time.
  2. The optimal title tag length is 40-60 characters.
  3. 41% of top-ten pages have too long meta descriptions.
  4. Google rewrites meta descriptions 63% of the time.

Keyword and Content SEO Stats

  1. 95% of keywords are searched less than ten times per month.
  2. Only 0.001% of keywords receive over 100,000 searches per month.
  3. 15% of all search queries are completely new to search engines.
  4. Around 8% of searches are phrased as questions.
  5. 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.
  6. Organic searches account for 33% of e-commerce site visits.
  7. The top 5 organic results on the first page of search engines get 67.6% of clicks.
  8. Users search with at least four words 69% of the time.

General SEO Facts

  1. 53% of website traffic results from organic searches.
  2. 48% of SEOs believe voice search will significantly impact SEO strategies.
  3. 2% of SEO professionals use a monthly retainer fee model.
  4. SEOs serving the global market charge an average of $106.69 per hour.
  5. Featured snippets appear in 12.29% of search queries.
  6. The top result in Google’s organic search has an average click-through rate (C.T.R.) of 27.6%.
  7. The top three Google search results receive 54.4% of all clicks.
  8. Google processes approximately 3.5 billion searches daily.
  9. 39% of purchasers are influenced by a


Sources Cited:

  1. Demand Sage: 122 SEO Statistics For 2024 (Trends & Insights)
  2. Conductor: The State of SEO in 2024: Data, Trends, and Predictions
  3. Victorious: SEO Statistics for 2024 That Actually Matter
  4. Intergrowth: 45 Mind-Bottling SEO Stats for 2024
  5. Resfeber Blog: The Most Important SEO Statistics You Need to Know in 2024
  6. Neal Schaffer: SEO Statistics: 55 Search Engine Stats for 2024 You Need To See
  7. Ahrefs: 79 SEO Statistics for 2023


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