Telegram Statistics For 2024-2023

Telegram User Growth Trends

  • Telegram’s daily active users globally reached 196 million.
  • Each day, about 1.5 million new users join Telegram.
  • Telegram has seen an average annual growth rate of over 40% for the past 10 years.
  • The average time spent by users on Telegram monthly is nearly 3 hours.
  • Telegram achieved over one billion cumulative app downloads in 2023.
  • In January 2024, Telegram registered 26 million new users during a 72-hour surge​​​​​​.

Telegram Demographic Statistics

  • Telegram’s user base has a gender distribution of 58.6% male and 41.4% female.
  • In the age group of 25-34, Telegram sees its highest user demographic at 30.6%.
  • Over 31% of Telegram users are between 25 and 34.
  • 22% of Telegram’s user base comprises individuals aged 18 to 24.
  • Users up to 17 make up 7.7% of Telegram demographics.
  • Users between the ages of 35 – 44 make up 21.3% of Telegram Demographics.
  • Users between the ages of 45 – 64 make up 18.5% of Telegram Demographics​​​​.

Regional Adoption and Usage

  • The United States has around 10 million monthly Telegram users.
  • Brazil shows one of the highest Telegram adoption rates at 29.4% of its population.
  • Eighteen million people in Uzbekistan currently use Telegram.
  • Telegram’s app installations in Hong Kong surpassed 1.8 million.
  • Daily Telegram usage in Brazil stands at around 23% of the population.
  • 8% of the population in the Netherlands uses Telegram.
  • 32% of Italy’s population has adopted Telegram.
  • Telegram is regularly used by 25% of Spain’s population.
  • Spanish millennials have a 32% usage rate for Telegram.
  • In Austria, 11% of the population uses Telegram.
  • Telegram’s user base in Singapore has a penetration rate of 30.1%.
  • About 22% of Filipinos use Telegram.
  • Telegram’s Nigerian user base constitutes 56.3% of the country’s population.
  • In South Africa, 19.7% of people use Telegram​​​​​​.
2024 Telegram user stats

Telegram Statistics For 2024-2023

Platform Availability Stats and Features

  • Telegram is available in 155 countries globally.
  • The app is available on the Google Play Store in all 155 nations.
  • Telegram offers over 20,000 stickers for users.
  • The app supports 58 different languages.
  • Telegram spends zero dollars on advertising​​.

Telegram Channel Popularity

  • The “Telegram Tips” channel is the most followed on the platform, with 8.92 million subscribers​​.

Telegrams User Overlap with Other Social Media Platforms

  • Telegram’s user base overlaps the least, with Reddit users at 18%.
  • 40% of Telegram users outside China also use Snapchat​​.

Preferred Social Media Platform by Gender

  • Telegram is the preferred social media platform for 3.1% of males aged 16-24​​.

Comparison of Usage on Android Devices

  • On Android devices, Telegram users spend less time than users on other social media platforms​​.

Social Media Platform Preferences

  • Telegram is the preferred social media platform for different age groups and genders, with specific percentages indicating preferences among males and females aged 16-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, and 55-64​​.

Global Presence and Development

  • Telegram’s development team is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • Telegram’s legal entity is registered in the British Virgin Islands.
  • Telegram’s legal data protection legislation representative is based in the United Kingdom.
  • The app is officially available in twelve languages and unofficially supports 66 languages​​.

App Store Rankings by Country

  • Telegram ranks highly in various countries on iOS App Store under the social networking category, including Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom​​.

User Engagement and Time Spent

  • Russian users spend the most time on Telegram, averaging 5.1 hours per month.
  • Singaporean users spend an average of 4.7 hours per month on Telegram.
  • The average usage time of Telegram is slightly higher than that spent on Facebook Messenger​​.



The statistics regarding Telegram’s user base, growth trends, and demographics present a compelling opportunity for advertisers, marketers, and businesses looking to leverage the platform for inbound marketing strategies and lead generation.


Telegram’s substantial and rapidly growing user base, highlighted by its 196 million daily active users and a 40% average annual growth rate, suggests a continuously expanding audience. This growth is especially notable in specific regions like Brazil, Italy, and Singapore, where high adoption rates indicate a significant potential audience. The platform’s popularity among young adults, particularly those aged 25-34, is crucial for marketers targeting this demographic, known for its purchasing power and openness to new technologies.



The diverse gender distribution on Telegram also presents an opportunity for gender-targeted marketing. With a mix of male and female users, businesses can adapt their messaging to resonate with a wide audience or focus on gender-specific campaigns. The high engagement levels, as shown by the average monthly usage time, suggest that users are actively interacting with the platform, increasing the chances of successful engagement with marketing content.

Telegram’s unique feature set, including a large number of stickers and support for multiple languages, opens avenues for creative and culturally sensitive marketing approaches. Telegram’s absence of advertising expenses indicates an unsaturated advertising environment, potentially leading to higher visibility for marketed content.


The popularity of Telegram channels, like the “Telegram Tips” channel with 8.92 million subscribers, demonstrates the potential for reaching large audiences through content marketing and community engagement. Businesses can leverage these channels for distributing valuable content, establishing a brand presence, and engaging with potential leads in a non-intrusive manner.


The minimal overlap between Telegram and other social media platforms like Reddit suggests that Telegram can reach audiences not heavily present on other platforms, offering a unique touchpoint for businesses. This aspect is particularly relevant for businesses looking to diversify their social media strategy and reach untapped markets.


  1. Bankmycell: How Many Users Does Telegram Have? (Dec 2023)
  2. Telegram Updated Statistics In 2023
  3. World Population Review: Telegram Users by Country 2023
  4. DemandSage: 80+ Telegram Statistics For 2024 (Demographics & Financials)
  5. ThinkImpact: Telegram Statistics 2023
  6. Marketsplash: 100+ Telegram Statistics: Users, Security & Revenue Data


Telegram’s diverse and growing user base of Telegram, along with its unique features and high engagement levels, make it a promising platform for businesses and marketers aiming to implement effective inbound marketing strategies and lead-generation methods. The platform’s global reach and demographic appeal provide a valuable opportunity for targeted, creative, and impactful marketing campaigns.

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